You can now store your Bitcoin wallet private keys as 6 HEX colors (instead of 12 words) – with each color represented by a series of six numbers and letters.
Reminder of the exactly HEX code for six different colors will probably be a bigger question than memorizing twelve words.
That said, the creator of this new system has a good point: “A paper with 12 words is more suspect than a color palette labeled ‘my new home wall colors.'”
Full story
In the “hey that’s cool – I mean – why not, right?” news:
You can now store your Bitcoin wallet private keys as colors.
What does that mean?
Instead of writing down 12 random words to log into your Bitcoin wallet (or recover a lost wallet), you can now select 6 specific colors.
Which is cool – and sounds easier than memorizing 12 random words…
But there is a catch.
The system uses HEX colors – where each color is represented by a hashtag and a series of six numbers and letters.
(It’s the same system programs like Photoshop and Illustrator use to identify specific colors).
For example:
That means remembering the exactly HEX code for six different colors will probably be a bigger question than memorizing twelve words.
Anyway, it’s a useful option if you want to hide your private keys on a regular site – as specified by the creator of the system Entero Positive:
“A paper with 12 words is more suspect than a color palette labeled ‘my new home wall colors.'”
Fair point, Positive! Good point.