In early 2022, Jieyi Long, CTO of Theta Labs, and the engineering team began exploring AI, distributed systems, and machine learning applied to blockchain after inviting Zhen Xiao, professor of computer science from Beijing University, as an academic advisor.
Jieyi published a groundbreaking research paper titled “Large Language Model Guided Tree-of-Thought (ToT)” in May 2023. The Tree-of-Thought was inspired by the way the human mind approaches complex reasoning problems. The idea has gained significant traction within the LLM community, and The Tree of Thought has the potential to significantly improve problem-solving skills.
Tree of Thought is the imaginative offspring of the renowned decentralized streaming platform Theta, hailed as the forerunners of the most comprehensive decentralized artificial intelligence computing infrastructure in a hybrid cloud environment. The most intriguing feature is that Theta EdgeCloud can support next-generation LLMs and other AI systems, including LLM-powered autonomous agents.
The ToT-enhanced LLM can be used within EdgeCloud, extending the functionality of Theta EdgeCloud to enable AI systems. Theta EdgeCloud has evolved as a decentralized data marketplace for training AI models. In this advanced system, everything is organized by a blockchain-based marketplace, while a dedicated processing node known as an aggregator handles tasks such as analyzing contributions, screening bad data, and adjusting model settings.
On May 1, EdgeCloud released its first release with innovative features including the AI task scheduler. Sharing research and uncovering key AI building blocks with the tech community made Theta a thought leader in AI. Advanced decentralized software platforms like Theta EdgeCloud are ushering in a new era of artificial intelligence. The team at EdgeCloud aims to provide researchers, developers, and businesses with unlimited GPU processing power for any artificial intelligence or video task.
Cost-effectiveness is another benefit of Theta EdgeCloud, which combines cloud computing with decentralization. For years, the foundation that powered EdgeCloud’s AI computing infrastructure was still in its infancy. Theta’s global network features one of the world’s largest GPU computing clusters with 10,000 active edge nodes. They patented an ‘Edge Computing Platform supported by a Smart Contract-enabled blockchain network.’ Theta EdgeCloud’s success proves its commitment to building technologies to meet customer and market needs.
Theta has successfully collaborated with professionals in the fields of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. According to media reports, Theta will revolutionize AI computing by utilizing decentralized CPU power. It will revolutionize AI computing by providing unparalleled access to decentralized GPU resources.
Theta EdgeCloud is poised to reinvent the edge computing discipline, combining the smart qualities of cloud computing with decentralization. It represents the culmination of years of development and substantial refinement over time. Theta Network’s initial focus was on GPU-intensive video processing tasks, and it represents a significant advancement in decentralized GPU processing. Theta EdgeCloud has inspired Blockchain-based artificial intelligence solutions and is known for collaborating with AI-focused companies such as Latvia AI, FEdML and Google Cloud.