Browsing: groundbreaking
In a very positive and radical shift for the web3 industry, INTO has entered into a new partnership with ZkAGI,…
SocialGrowAI recently collaborated with FlareAI. This partnership is expected to revolutionize the way AI training and blockchain exist and work,…
Nimble Network has taken a significant step forward in revolutionizing the future of AI and decentralization. The network has launched…
YOUR AI is proud to announce its partnership with FluxionFi to advance the capabilities of Web3 development. Great news in…
Recently, GT Protocol collaborated with Units Network, the blockchain protocol that provides modular solutions that allow everyone in the crypto…
AVNU has unveiled the “Community Token Initiative,” which aims to provide a more secure and structured trading environment. It addresses…
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently highlighted a new update to Optimism’s SuperchainERC20 protocol. This feature includes a new cross-chain interface,…
Oklahoma has become the first US state to legally protect Bitcoin’s right to self-custody after passing a new law. The…
Euclid Protocol has stepped out of the shadows to introduce a groundbreaking shared liquidity layer, powered by Nibiru Chain. With…
In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, DeCenter AI is taking significant steps to democratize artificial intelligence. By removing…