Paras has taken the initiative to further increase the total reach and has successfully connected to the Astar network and the Polkadot network. This was done through Launchpad, along with a slew of other products that will ship in the future.
According to Paras founder and CEO Riqi, they are convinced of the importance of multichain, and therefore connection to the Polkadot ecosystem will provide the opportunity for projects to be further compatible when it comes to single blockchains.
Since the Astar network is a parachain to Polkadot, Paras can easily connect to the general one Dot community.
Astar Network is coming up strong with the community in Japan. Recently, Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu), a segment of the largest rail network in Japan, has officially announced that it will release NFTs on the Astar network
The Aster community is leaning towards manga and anime, options will open up for doing further associations through the Paras comic book product, the Paras comic. Through the expertise that lies with Paras and the Astar Network, it will pave the way for building new-age comics backed by NFTs.
Paras Launchpad created the smart contract using Ink, a domain-oriented language, eDSL, and duly written in Rust. This allows Paras to take advantage of Rust’s features, such as type protection, as well as memory protection and strict error correction capabilities.
Furthermore, the Paras Launchpad uses the Web Assembly Smart Contract (WASM), which in turn offers high functionality and compact binary size, which helps to work on the features of the Paras smart contract.
While the smart contracts are written in Rust and compiled for WASM, both NEAR and Astar have separate smart contract infrastructures and positioning flows. In the case of NEAR, Paras uses near-sdk-rs infrastructure, as well as near-cli in the form of prime tools, while in ink, Paras uses ink library, as well as freight contract and Polkadot.
Moreover, the most important factor is Paras’ innovative product, the Refundable NFT Launchpad. Through this, Riqi aims to gain the trust of regular Web2 users using the company’s repayment options. In addition, Paras Launchpad has a vision to provide easy-to-use NFT building tools for artists as well as builders and businesses to easily and conveniently build their own NFT projects. In this matter, the entity has been able to do this on the NEAR network and will do the same on the Astar network. As part of the entity’s future plans, they will deliver several projects on the Astar network and link the Paras token to ETH and BNB.