Orochi Network, the pioneer platform that offers verifiable data infrastructure, has announced its ecosystem expansion. According to the Orochi network, it has broadened the decentralized data and the solutions from arbitrariness to 49 block chains, indicating a remarkable growth plan. This expansion reinforces the accuracy of the data together with trustless arbitrariness within its ecosystem.
Orochi Network expands data and arbitrariness of arbitrariness about 49 block chains – strength data accuracy and trustless arbitrariness throughout the ecosystem.
Orand – a verifiable random beacon for trustless applications.
Orocle – A decentralized Oracle for which … pic.twitter.com/7f2rhujd6r
– Orochi Network (@orochinetwork) March 20, 2025
Orochi Network stimulates the growth of ecosystem with extension to 49 block chains
The latest expansion of Orochi Network about forty -nine chains reinforces its status as a prominent platform in the verifiable data infrastructure. The platform is led to offering verifiable and confidential solutions via Orocle, and Orand, the 2 flagship services. Orocle serves as a decentralized oracle to provide reliable Real-World data for smart contracts. On the other hand, Orand is about verifiable arbitrariness, which ensures unpredictable and honest results to facilitate Dapps.
With the new expansion plan, Orochi Network focuses on stimulating the ZKDA layer and zkdatabase-as-a-service initiatives. That is why it pays a lot of attention to the development of a completely verifiable data infrastructure. An important feature of the growth rate of the platform is the unveiling of Orand V3, an exclusive progress when it comes to generating arbitrariness. It guarantees verifiability, safety and determinism in generated arbitrariness. Due to design, it eliminates every chance of administrative influence, which retains real decentralization.
Orand V3 emerges as a game -changing product to prevent predictability
For the further optimization and growth of operational efficiency and security, Orand V3 contains various functions, such as batching, on request, randomness and delegated and self -proof submission. It also uses multi-party calculation to prevent predictability and at the same time to solidify blockchain applications against potential manipulation.
According to Orochi Network, the current expansion strategy is a crucial step in stimulating growth. This initiative makes generating arbitrariness more community -driven and decentralized instead of being managed by one entity. This expansion underlines the dedication of the Orochi Network to promote a verifiable and confidentless blockchain ecosystem.