Oasis Network, a leading platform that offers a Web3 privacy layer, has announced the release of the Desert Owl. The project in question will play the role of an option related to the formal Oasis mascot, while the owl symbolizes knowledge. The company has posted its official account on the social media forum X. In its recent post, Oasis Network convinced consumers to vote between Desert Owl, Fennex Fox and Capybara.
Meet the Desert Owl, an option for the official Oasis mascot!
A wise owl with curls in its claws, symbolizing the knowledge developed by the Oasis Network
Vote between the capybara, desert owl and fennec fox at https://t.co/hvHVWvg5oU
Learn more about the owl:
— Oasis Network (@OasisProtocol) March 24, 2024
Oasis Network releases the Desert Owl under mascot options such as Fennec Fox and Capybara
In addition, the company also provided some details about the meaning of the title of the new project. It was mentioned that the owl works as a symbol dealing with knowledge and wisdom. As the details behind this were provided, it was revealed that this was the emblem of the ancient Greek city of “Athens”. The city in question had a crucial importance among the prominent places in the field of wisdom.
Athens is considered a historical center of both philosophy and democracy. Moreover, the ancient city of Egypt is another notable place among the places where the owl received high praise. The company reported that people in ancient Egypt honored the desert owl. In addition, they were mummified as a sign to express their respect.
Moreover, in its official post, the company also provided information about the other two options. In the case of the Capybara, the platform claimed that the rose-bearing capybara (as shown) symbolizes interoperability. According to him, the option in question is linked to adaptability. It added that the animal has become an internet sensation in recent years.
The purpose of using the image of a capybara is to express the enhanced connection and sociability for the users. The third option is a fennec fox wearing sunglasses. The company claimed that the animal in question symbolizes the platform’s privacy. Oasis Network also stated that this option represents both protection and purity.
Users can vote between these options until March 27
According to the company, the Japanese people revere the fennec fox. They consider it a sacred animal and that is why it is often seen in hieroglyphs. Keeping in view all these 3 mascot options, the users can vote for any of them. The 27e this month is the last date for voting.