Greenfinch, a decentralized storage solution using the Neo blockchain and NeoFS, was recently launched for the Neo N3 MainNet. The latest version, v0.5.7, can be downloaded from the official Greenfinch website and is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Greenfinch’s MainNet launch was unveiled at Neo’s booth for Consensus 2023 in Austin, Texas. Project founder Alex Walker demonstrated Greenfinch to attendees while participating in Neo’s OneBand ring activation event.
Greenfinch launch
When the app first opens, users are greeted with a landing page with help videos to get started with the included features. First, users will discover the option to create or import a Neo N3 wallet. After loading a wallet, GAS can be transferred to NeoFS to pay for storage operations. Greenfinch’s wallet tab displays both the current wallet GAS and NeoFS GAS balances.

The landing page of the app with opened wallet tab (Source: Groenling)
After dumping GAS, a storage container can be created if necessary. As the name implies, containers can contain multiple objects and are created with user-defined rules for read and write access rights. Any kind of object can be uploaded through Greenfinch and stored in a NeoFS container. The team also provides a public HTTP gateway service for viewing files in supported formats. A shareable link using the gateway can be opened by clicking on the target object.

Share an uploaded object (Source: Groenling)
The application offers a Contacts page, which facilitates easy GAS transfers and provides an easy way to share containers between users. An independent shared container tab is used for easier browsing. Finally, the Notifications and Settings tabs provide under-the-hood access to Greenfinch & NeoFS network activities, including a way to switch between MainNet and TestNet.
Greenfinch has also teased upcoming functionality for the app. A tab for using containers as a website promises a way to easily deploy decentralized websites on NeoFS, while another placeholder page hints at future NFT management functionality.
Developer API
Launched in May, the Greenfinch API is designed as a fully featured HTTP solution for developers who want to interact with NeoFS. The team has confirmed that the API will be retained. The service offers some useful utilities compared to the standard NeoFS API, such as the ability to create bearer tokens.
Greenfinch API is currently free to use, although paid tiers may be offered in the future depending on adoption rates.
Users can get started with Greenfinch and NeoFS via the link below: