Our new favorite crypto use case: set up renewable energy capture sites → install crypto miners on site → use the profits to fund infrastructure projects.
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We have fallen [down a rabbit hole] and can’t get up!
We just read an article about how Paris Saint-Germain (the football team) is about to start mining crypto → using the profits to buy up its own crypto token (thereby stabilizing its price) → and then selling the token hand out to fans.
And it all felt so…meh.
Mining crypto to fund a fan loyalty program? That’s cool and all, but what does it do in the big picture?
(Shouldn’t cryptocurrency be a ‘world-changing technology’?)
So we changed the question to “what if crypto mining were used to finance local infrastructure projects?”
That sounds like a weird rabbit hole to jump down, but hear us out!
Let’s say your country has huge geothermal reserves…
But building out the physical infrastructure needed to take all that captured energy and deliver it to every home in the country/state/region is going to cost a lot.
(Like it, a lot).
So your government representatives never seriously considered it (at best they just saw it as ‘neat, but way too difficult/expensive to implement’).
By adding crypto mining to the equation, the project would:
Set up geothermal generators, with mining rigs on site.
Convert that energy into money (without first setting up an export infrastructure → finding a buyer → exporting the energy).
Use that money to fund broader infrastructure projects.
And all this with little or no additional government deficit spending.
Amazing, right??