Here’s Chinder’s basic idea: You will be shown the graph and statistics of a cryptocurrency → you can swipe left to skip, or right to buy.
We bet this product’s streamlined interface will help reduce the clutter of open tabs that often arise when researching crypto projects.
Is this Web3‘killer app’? Probably not. But it’s new, creative, and requires nothing other than a web browser to use.
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Imagine, you’re 16 again…
There are mid-terms coming up.
To study more effectively, make flashcards. Every time you get a correct answer, reward yourself with a piece of candy.
This new web-based app, (also known as Tinder for cryptocurrencies), mimics that process a bit…
Here’s the basic idea:
You will be shown the graph and statistics of a cryptocurrency → you can swipe left to skip, or right to buy.
What on the one hand is totally gimmicky.
(The concept is blatantly aimed at media companies [like us]who takes every opportunity to write a catchy headline).
…on the other hand, the concept has real benefits.
Here’s where our flashcard analogy comes back:
If you’re into technical chart analysis, Chinder is kind of like an automated flashcard system, but instead of rewarding yourself with candy, you put a financial stake in every answer you give.
For example, do you think the graph looks promising? Shopping. Do you think it looks risky? Going short (also known as betting that the price will fall).
Plus, we bet the streamlined interface will help reduce the clutter of open tabs that often arise when researching crypto projects.
Is this Web3‘killer app’?
Probably not.
But it’s new, creative, and requires nothing other than a web browser to use.
And for that reason we give it two thumbs up, one chef’s kiss and a ‘molto bene’