The Web3 production studio Show starcreates an animated series, “FORTUN3”, that delves into the tech/crypto bro culture.
The series features a range of characters based on several founders-turned-fraudsters, including Sam Bankman-Fried, Adam Neumann, and Elizabeth Holmes.
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Have you ever considered doing a cartoon show, where the villains are caricatures of notorious tech founders, such as:
Well, bad news: someone already beat you.
The Web3 production studio Show starcreates an animated series, “FORTUN3”, that delves into the tech/crypto bro culture – featuring a series of characters based on several founders turned frauds.
They even have TJ Miller (of “Silicon Valley” fame) voicing the SBF character.
John Attanasio, co-founder and CEO of Toonstar, told Coindesk:
“[The series] is based on a real cast of characters that lend themselves very well to cartoons… We take the things you see in the headlines and bring that into the series.”
We’re pretty burnt out by the sheer number of adult animated series being hurled at us from streaming platforms…
But we’ll have to look at this one.