Fragmentation in web3 is an unhappy fact, in which each camp defends its own technology. Blockchains work in Silos, who deepen tribalism instead of encouraging a meaningful collaboration. The explosion of L2 solutions on Ethereum has deepened the fragmentation, whereby every blockchain actually competes against Ethereum. Some analysts call this fact the reason for the stagnating price of Ether.
Others take this vision even further – that the price of ether can only fall. They claim that the scalability of Ethereum means that fewer users rely on the L1 blockchain and choose to use L2 solutions instead. These solutions pay very low costs and the income from Ethereum are accordingly lower. The end result can be a divergence between the price of Ether, fall as a result of lower costs and the L1 tool of Ethereum (increasing due to the number of L2 users).
A third argument is that some successful L2 solutions can release from Ethereum in the long term, which means that their user base takes with you.
Bitcoin and Ethereum have to work together, not compete
Bitcoin has a solid security model based on UTXO Or not -tensioned transaction output -an output that is not used as input in a transaction (transferring Bitcoin from one address to another). On the other hand, Ethereum is known for its flowering Dapp -Ecosystem. Both block chains focus on decentralization but fulfill different purposes. The rich functionality of Ethereum makes the implementation of smart contracts and applications possible, while Bitcoin is primarily a value of value.
Despite their differences, Bitcoin and Ethereum should not compete. Bitcoin must be used as a stable active and a store of value, while Ethereum has interaction with the daps that are performed on it. An investor could use Ethereum to gain access to Defi services in a portfolio and bitcoin – to retain value.
APEX Fusion Bridges The best of Ethereum and Bitcoin, building on the concept of uniting web3 and goes beyond the competition to create a scalable and cooperation -blockchain -ecosystem. The platform promotes a united ecosystem that is included, neutral and designed with interoperability in mind. It offers a platform where existing projects and developer communities can innovate, integrate and implement.
The Ecosystem of Apex Fusion consists of three layers that are designed to optimize security, scalability and decentralization from the start. These three interconnected networks – Prime, Vector and Nexus – each serve a unique goal. Prime Network, an L1 blockchain based on UTXO, is the fundamental APEX Fusion system that offers security and decentralization. Vector Network, an L2 on Utxo, is a secondary layer that improves performance and scalability and is designed for services and applications with high-throughput. Finally, the EVM L2 solution Nexus Network focuses on speed and cost efficiency, dealing with complex transactions and smart contract performance.
The three chains are connected via the Reactor Bridge, which makes interoperability and efficient interaction in the entire ecosystem possible. This unique architecture offers users more flexibility by making special block chains available, which are optimized for a specific use case.
The Prime layer ensures a predictable, decentralized and safe environment. Traditional L1 -Blockchains compete for implementation, but unlike them, Prime emphasizes use, giving developers a neutral basis to build.
The core of the ecosystem is interoperability. It is designed with seamless interaction between chains, so that projects can use multiple blockchain technologies frictionless. Ethereum -Developers can use special chains with full EVM compatibility and do not have to compete with L1 solutions.
Apex Fusion comes in an exciting development phase, namely the Prime Mainnet launch. Stake Pool Operator (SPO) Onboarding is underway and guarantees a fully decentralized network from the start. The platform is the completion of interoperability tools for cross-chain, which makes frictionless interactions between his three layers possible. Early adopters receive participation reimbursements and engagement stimuli. More than 80 SPAs are operational on the test network and ensure resilience and stability.
We all pay a high price for fragmentation
The problems caused by Web3 -Fragmentation is clear. Monetary stimuli are currently the primary cause of end user and project activity. Estimates suggest that there are at least 1,000 block chains, and most replicate a small number of successful use cases without end and without innovation. Ultimately, users cannot benefit from the ecosystem in its entirety, which discourages acceptance and the propagation is reinforced that Web3 is complex. This distortion misleads people by believing that complexity is targeted and hides illegal activities. These misconceptions are in danger and experiments.
The transition from fragmentation to cooperation has enormous potential. Simplifying onboarding will lead prejudices around web3 to lose weight. Partnerships with renowned projects can improve the reliability and credibility of web3 platforms. For example, the reputation system of Apex Fusion quantifies and validates contributions, whereby trust and transparency in decentralized environments are guaranteed. This development has led to the concept of ‘trust through reputation’.
A blockchain project that specializes in developing smart contracts can collaborate with a decentralized Oracle platform to improve the reliability and security of its apps. Such a partnership would enable the blockchain to tap the expertise of the Oracle. The Oracle would in turn refine its technology by gaining access to more Real-World use cases.
Blockchain projects can work together on decentralized identity solutions, cross-chain communication protocols or other interoperability standards. Such cooperation improves the user experience by making interactions possible.
Partnerships within Web3 can improve resilience and reduce risks. By diversifying partnerships, projects can reduce dependence on a single service provider or technology. Moreover, collaborations often have due diligence on future partners, which identifies potential weaknesses or risks early. Teams can tackle problems quickly, so that the chance of project failure is minimized.
Web3 projects can work together on educational programs or hackathons that encourage the involvement of the community. These activities benefit individual projects and unite decentralized communities.
In the core, Web3 is about people, but harms project silos and tribalism. APEX Fusion is intended to distribute an environment where projects and developers communities contribute their unique benefits to a shared ecosystem and grow together.