The Cardano Foundation, together with Blink Labs, dcSpark, Sundae Labs and TxPipe, announced the launch of PRAGMA, a member-based, non-profit open source association for blockchain software projects. The five entities, each deeply focused on IT development and engineering in the Cardano ecosystem, aim to foster an alternative open-source ecosystem for Cardano and other blockchains. The association will sign its articles of association on April 22.
The Cardano Foundation sees the advancement of open source technologies as an important step towards a sustainable and robust Cardano ecosystem. An open source approach facilitates the creation of technologies that meet specific business needs, while supporting the community by ensuring an egalitarian, innovative space where all developers can build on and improve tools for the future of the network.
PRAGMA’s original primary goal is to foster an open-source ecosystem for Cardano by hosting existing projects and helping them thrive. It is also intended to facilitate the development and emergence of new meaningful instruments where necessary. In the long term, the intention is for the association to become a home base for all blockchain-related open source projects.
Image: Coin speaker