Stacks, the Bitcoin L2, can now process faster transactions and push all payments to the BTC L1 (almost exactly the same method ETH uses to scale).
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Is it just us or does it feel like Bitcoin is trying to become the next Ethereum?
Yesterday we discussed BTC’s adoption of one of ETH’s key features (token creation) – and not 24 hours later we’ll cover another equipped with junk.
Stacks, the Bitcoin layer 2, just received the Nakamoto upgrade, allowing it to process faster transactions and push all settlements to the BTC layer 1.
(Oops! We made a word salad!)
Here’s what that all means:
Stacks behaves like a banking app on an iPhone. The app uses the bank’s infrastructure to process transactions; the iPhone plays no role in this.
What it do play a role in the security of the app (to log in, users must pass a FaceID check).
The same goes for Stacks and Bitcoin: Stacks processes transactions on its own network, but relies on Bitcoin for security.
And if this all feels eerily familiar, it’s because Ethereum L2 works the same way.
So, what, RIP Ethereum?
No! The Ethereum network is well established enough to withstand a bit of competition (even if it comes from Bitcoin).
Continuing the theme of smartphone analogies, we would frame it like Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms…
Both can exist and grow in the same space, without destroying each other.
And for us as consumers: this competition and choice stimulate innovation, making developments on both sides net positive.
We’d love to see it!